

IWUF Official Events-Bidding Procedure:


Phase 1  Initial Stage

  • Submit the Letter of Intent

Phase 2  Full Bid File Submission

  • Submit required application documents (Host City Application Form together with all supporting documents)

Phase 3  Bid File Assessment

  • Bid file verification
  • Site inspection

Phase 4  Finalization

  • Approval by IWUF Executive Board and awarding of hosting rights

Phase 5 Signing Host City Contract

  • Sign Host City Contract


Athletes  Voice s:

“ It was great to see people from all over the world doing the same sport I am doing… all fighting for that same world title. It was such an intense moment when I set foot into the ring and went toe-to-toe with my biggest competition… This was by far the best experience of my life and I can’t wait to compete against the best again in 2018!”

——Audrey Meeks (USA)


Winning the gold medal at the World Wushu Championships in Jakarta was such a great success for me and a wonderful milestone in my professional career in wushu. The World Wushu Championships is the highest-level championships all around the world, and the best of best compete there.

——Mohsen Mohammadseifi (IRI)


It means a lot that the World Championships are in Indonesia. It’s really been motivating us. I hope this bring a positive energy to the country for wushu. To get the gold medal from Jet Li was awesome.

—— Lindswell (INA)


This gold medal really shows the directions of where we’re going and all our hard work, in terms of our training and our dedication, and our passion for wushu is going the right way.

—— Elizabeth Lim (AUS)


My fifth gold medal is my dream. Everybody is cheering me on here, and it gives me 20 times the power to win.

—— Muslim Salikhov (RUS)


There’s so much work behind every performance that you do, it just comes out in different ways.

—— Tania Sakanaka (BRA)


The real happiness was not only about getting a medal but also meeting up friends worldwide during the championships!

——HKG Team


Excellent championships! The live streaming was a highlight for me as our families and team at home were able to tune in.

—— BER Team


Why Bid for the IWUF Events

  • World-class Athletes
  • Great Popularity
  • Global Attention
    • TV Coverage
    • Worldwide Distribution
    • Live Broadcast
      • 5 live streaming broadcasting platforms: Wushu TV (YouTube), QQ Live, Le TV, Sina, PhoenixNet.
      • 14th WWC total viewers: 1,267,720; 7th WKFC total viewers: 1,901,812.
    • Social Media Platforms:
      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • Instagram
      • WeChat
      • Weibo
      • YouTube
      • Constant Contact

The 7th World Kungfu Championships (7th WKFC) was the largest international event hosted by Emeishan City. More than 3,800 athletes from over 57 countries and regions participated in this event. Hosting the 7th WKFC not only boosted the growth of the tourism industry within our city, but also reinforced our confidence to further develop our model of integrating culture, competition and tourism. It has made our city more open, more inclusive, and more confident.

—— Emeishan Organizing Committee


The IWUF Bidding Manual and IWUF Operational Manual can be found here.

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