European NF News | Multiple Wushu Events Held by LWUF, SKVS, GNWF, and SACW

8th Baltic Open Wushu Championships

On October 5, 2024, the 8th Open Wushu Championships were successfully held in Riga, Latvia. The event was jointly organized by the Latvian Sports Wushu Federation and the Riga Wushu and Martial Arts Sports Center, attracting 143 athletes from six countries: Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, and Spain.

Serbian Wushu Events

On September 21, 2024, the 19th Serbian Wushu Tournament was successfully held at the Recreational Center "Jedinstvo" in Novi Bečej, Serbia. Organized by the Serbian Kungfu Wushu Federation, the competition attracted over 300 athletes from nine countries: Serbia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Ukraine, Turkey, and Egypt. Among them, there were 212 sanda athletes and 90 taiji and wing chun athletes. Participants gathered in Novi Bečej to compete, exchange valuable experiences, and strengthen friendships.

On October 13, the Serbian Kungfu Wushu Federation held a light sanda tournament in Odžaci, Serbia, attracting 60 athletes to compete.

Training in the Summer Camp of the Georgian National Team

On July 13-20, 2024, the Training in the Summer Camp of the Georgian National Team (Taolu & Sanda) was successfully held in the coastal resort town of Kobuleti, Georgia. This event was jointly organized by the Georgian National Wushu Federation, Ministry of Culture and Sport of Georgia, and Tbilisi City Hall. It attracted 10 coaches, 2 judges, and 110 athletes from different regions and cities of Georgia.

2024 Slovak Wushu Championships

On June 1, 2024, the Slovak Wushu Championships came to a successful conclusion in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The event was jointly organized by the Slovak Association of Chinese Wushu and the School of Chinese Wushu Slovakia. As the largest and most important wushu competition in Slovakia, the event is held annually, and this year's number of participants reached a new historical high. More than 220 athletes from Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Ukraine competed together, showcasing their wushu skills.

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